What a difference a year does make to colour variations and change. The first picture is of my Vitifolium taken 27/08/13 nicely green with just a very slight hint of pink shading on the leaf edges,second picture same tree 21/10/13 well into fall changes later turning a lovely crimson. Last picture taken this morning 28/08/14 have never seen this tree go straight to deep crimson before, usually takes the first two pictures colour change pattern. Had this tree from a 5ltr planting way back in 2002 and as i have stated this is the first year i have ever seen this change so quickly, early and straight to one colour,will be interesting to see if the leaves will stay the same before dropping or hopefully attain a yellow hue to them as normal? Anyone had the same happen to their Vitifoliums, putting this down to the very early spring we encountered in the UK and the unusual amount of good sunny weather we have also had, last year was very wet and dull. Have a substantial amount of trees at this time entering into fall colour looks pretty but come October i will have many a bare tree thats peeked to early!!
LOL Double whoopsie! :) Beautiful colors, no matter how you slice it though. A lot of our cottonwoods are dropping leaves (though we have been pretty hot - upper 90s to low 100s - the past couple of weeks, so that may be playing a role), and I noticed the one elm branch that always turns earlier than the rest of the tree is starting to turn... I really, REALLY hope that doesn't mean winter is on our doorstep already! :(
Same tree today 05/09/2014 first picture in thread shown eight days ago,one good windy day and all the leaves will be off. So So early !!!
We've sure had a strange summer this year in the UK. I'm not surprised to see maples acting unusually.
With you on that statement very strange summer, three more which shouldn't be any where near this colouration at this moment in time. 1st Baldsmith 2nd Ornatum 3rd Viridis all are looking lovely but come October the garden is going to look very sparse :( Have many more that are all at the same stage or fast leading up to it. Definately a year for the record books.
Hey guys, Lots of colours and just plain old browning leaves here too. We hardly saw the sun all August, it was cold into the single digits many nights as well, and wet wet wet. Some well established Chinese and Japanese maples respond well to the wet by putting on a lot of growth, and curiously those are still in full growth mode; others though, and especially this years plantings, are heading towards dormancy without a peep...
If you want to correct your original post, just click on the blue 'Edit' button that you'll find on each of your own posts ;-)
Thanks for the info,have already been told/shown by the moderator how to edit. Hopefully won't happen again!! Thanks anyway
Emery i also have noticed that alot of my Acers, Dissectums in paticular have put on a phenominal amount of new growth for this season, which i have not encountered before in seasons past. Tamukeyama, Waterfall, Flavescens, Ellen and various others have all done well this year, and a Red Dragon which is just running away with new branching this has never grown this fast before? and is still growing now. Again a very strange but nice year for the Maples.