What’s wrong with my plant? New plant owner

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Blackang3l66, Jul 18, 2020.

  1. Blackang3l66

    Blackang3l66 New Member

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    New York
    Hi there, I got a few plants which I’m scared may have leaf spots. I could be overreacting.

    First up is my anthurium. We got it at a shop they repotted it for us. The pot did not have a drainage hole so lava rocks were added. Only have had it for a week.

    2nd here is a peperomia we got her shipped same company we bought the anthurium. Have had her for two weeks repotted her last Saturday. Also no drainage hole have lava rocks. Nothing different from when we got her.

    indirect sunlight for both
    I have not add any fertilizer as I read when putting new soil contains food and didn’t want to over feed.

    Any help is really appreciated

    Attached Files:

  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    You don't have problems yet, but you will. There is no way a new plant owner should be trying to grow plants in pots with no drainage. There is a lot written these days about how rocks at the bottom are not going to help with that issue. Here are two videos.

    I would suggest that you take the plants back to the shop and have them plant these into pots with drainage that will fit inside these pots, and replace the rocks with soil. Every time you water these plants, you need to lift them out of the outer pots and make sure there is no water sitting in the bottom of the pots. And feel how heavy they are at that point. Don't water them again until they feel lighter than that. You're looking very closely at these - try to figure out when the anthurium leaves start to droop - that would be when they need water - notice the difference in weight at that point compared to when you just watered it. Maybe that works with the peperomia too. They might not be on the same watering schedule.

    The anthurium flower looks old as does that leaf. Flowers and leaves only last so long - they die and get replaced. In that third photo, that damage wasn't there when you got the plant? And you don't have a cat?
  3. Blackang3l66

    Blackang3l66 New Member

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    New York
    Thank sooo much for your reply. I don’t mind drilling a hole in the pots. So I’ll do that and remove the lava rocks. If you are talking about the 3rd pic of the peperomia We received it like that. No cat we do have a dog but it doesn’t go near the plants.
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