I have to say Colletia hystrix, though it looks a little unusual, like the thorns are all so densely and regularly spaced. No teeny white flowers now? The ones I know (not exactly the same species, maybe a hybrid) are in flower now, except for a young one I just found.
Speaking of Junipers . . . do they all smell of cat urine? I can't remember when I last saw a cat in my neighbourhood so am reluctant to blame the foul smell emanating from my prostrate junipers on cats. Is it endemic? For one reason or another, this is not a shrub you want along the entryway to your home. :-(
One of the Juniperus x pfitzeriana cultivars. Rather wrecked by a history of bad pruning after it had outgrown the available cramped space - I'd be inclined to remove it altogether and plant something else.