Biodiversity Heritage Library: Welcome to JJ Dearborn, BHL Data Manager

Discussion in 'Plants: Weblogs of Interest' started by UBC BG RSS Feedreader, Jan 28, 2022.

  1. UBC BG RSS Feedreader

    UBC BG RSS Feedreader Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden

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    The Biodiversity Heritage Library is pleased to welcome JJ Dearborn to the newly created position of BHL Data Manager. The new Data Manager position is part of the BHL Secretariat, hosted by the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives. As Data Manager, Ms. Dearborn will be responsible for the oversight and management of the digital data collections (datasets) of BHL. She will be developing and implementing a comprehensive view of how BHL collections can be optimized to support the interoperability of BHL data in the larger biodiversity community.

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