Weird Jade Tree Problems

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by jadeadam, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. jadeadam

    jadeadam Member

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    North Dakota, USA
    Hello. I have a small jade tree that I got in May, and I am starting to notice a weird problem. For starters, about 3 weeks ago, 3 leaves started to shrivel up on the ends, but didn't die. I've noticed that when Jade Tree leaves die, they fall off to the slightest touch, but these did not, and would not, and I have no idea why. Another problem is one of the stems is not showing signs of rot. The stem towards the top of the plant is becoming black, and the leaves are shriveling up at the point where they attach to the stem. The rest of the plant seems quite healthy, except for these two problem spots. I've tried looking for an answer to what this could be, but haven't come across anything.

    I don't over water. It sits in the kitchen under a skylight so it gets reasonably good sunlight... I don't know what I could be doing wrong. Any help and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    does that pot have drain holes? if not, then the soil is probably waterlogged and that would explain the rot. i'd repot it in an unglazed clay pot (you can always put it inside a larger/more decorative pot to hide the clay).

    feel the whole stem of the one with the black area - cut off whatever is mushy feeling. if you need to, just take that one out completely.

    i'm not sure it's rot tho.

    the spots on the second pic kind of look like can treat that with a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol - just rub the brown spots well. the alcohol will dissapate within a few minutes and won't harm the plant.

    it generally looks pretty healthy...i see new growth at the top of numerous stems, so you're doing something right!
  3. jadeadam

    jadeadam Member

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    North Dakota, USA
    Thanks. Yes, overall the plant is quite healthy. The other leaves are firm, plump, and it continues to grow. I do have this soil that is specifically for succulents, but I never thought that the pot would pose the problem... I thought that it drained fairly well, but I think I'll have to pull it out and double check that I have a healthy root system.

    I really don't want small problems like these go unoticed so the whole plant is ruined. My dad had one of these when I was a kid, and it got to be really big, so that's what I'm after. I'll do whatever I can to keep this baby alive and strong. Any other thoughts as to what that black mess is, I'm all ears
  4. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    it's not something i've dealt with. could be some type of fungus? not really sure.

    is that stem, at the spot where the black stuff is, mushy or firm? if firm, then i'd say it's a fungus and it'd be best to treat it with some kind of fungicide that is okay for jades (sorry, i don't have a recommendation) before it starts traveling. or you could just trim off that spot.

    i'm sure the rest of it will be fine.

    you're right in the thought that, when problems occur, nipping them in the bud is the best thing to do. (sorry! couldn't resist it :) )

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