I received a basket of crocus bulbs from friends in California as a Christmas gift. Most of the bulbs are coming up normally, with the thin striped green leaves, but some are pure white, and growing every which way! I have been gardening for years, and have never seen anything like this. Would like to know if anyone else has had this experience with crocus bulbs. I was told the name of this was Trinity Crocus, but can't find any reference under that heading.
Loved your response! LOL They're still growing, and the white "things" are still white, no sign of flowers yet, don't know what's going on. All my friends here are waiting too!
Looking again not crocus. Probably show some leaves or other parts pretty soon, unless some kind of fungus like stinkhorn.
I removed some of the outer white casing, and found thin, white leaves, at least they looked as though they should be leaves. The crocus has been getting lots of sun, as I put it outside every day it was bright. So it's still a mystery, I have no idea why those came up as they did. There are still no signs of flowers, which is odd - will just keep waiting to see what happens. Thanks for your input.
So far, there is one white flower getting ready to blossom - I'm waiting myself to see what happens! I've been gardening for many years, and have grown many crocii, but have never seen one like this before. Time will tell, I guess.....