We have three weeping willow trees and we love them. I planted one about 30 ft from our gazabo which is attached to our wrap around porch. My husband went out a few weeks ago and trimmed all the lower limbs. The two that are over next to our drive way have started budding, new green is on them. But the one next to our gazabo is not doing anything that we can tell. now the strings that are draping down do not seem to have life in them. I do not see any rot or any thing about it that looks diseased.... Could this tree be dead, or is it just slower to start new sprouts. I just about cried when my husband told me he thought it was dead, but I begged him not to cut it... he bought another one that the leaf looks different that this one to replace it but I made him plant it somewhere else because I don't want this tree dead.... any suggestions? Is it just slow in putting out new follage... the other two I believe that are putting out new follage is a different type also... I need help with this... I want my tree to live..... but I love the weeping willow trees, they are so beautiful. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Give it a bit more time, you could also post a picture.........i doubt he could have killed it just by pruning off the lower branches.