SOLVED I have just received a kind reply from Mauritius see is Cordia Myxa. Sadly we must be one of the few people in the world not to own a smart phone! It seems that the plant is Cordia myxa (Boraginaceae). There are other Cordia introduced to Mauritius, but this seems the best fit. You may try using pl@ntnet- a mobile app for plant identification using photos. It has a library for Mauritius. Regards. C.Mooneeramsing
(Ohh, it was sooo annoyingly familiar: Ebből készítik az enyvet (=Cordia myxa) Unfortunately it is a popular tree in Cyprus: their fruits are used to make a transculent glue for catching birds. :( )
Oooh..that is horrid. In UK we love our song birds...many fly south for the winter and get killed /shot when they fly over the Med. Sadly bird numbers are getting lower. Climate change? Pesticides? Mass killing?