I have a weeping japanese maple that is growing very well but several of the branches are not weeping. Please let me know what is the best method to have the weep or will this ocur naturally.
Check to see if the non-weeping branches come out above or below the graft. If they come out below the graft, they are suckers from the rootstock and should be pruned off. If they come out from above the graft, they are probably just vigorous new branches and should eventually start weeping at the growth tips.
Thanks for replying, the shots are all located above the graph line therefore, I suppose I will have to wait until they begin to weep. I thought that I should possibly tie them down?
If same as scion just let them do their thing, specimen will be more interesting if it builds some height anyway. In fact, nurseries often stake these to produce something more than a low mound.
Not trying to guess whether or not you fertilize, but I find that not fertilizing them, is one very good way to maintain a nice form. Seems that nothing messes-up the form of Japanese maples quite like a bit of excess fertilizer. Except maybe a bit of topping.