I have had this weeping fig for two years, now I put it on the balcony everyday. It grew well but start having some yellow leaves even dark. Is it sick? I water it every morning, some time twice a day if it is too hot and spray over the leaves. http://tongshu.myphotoalbum.com/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album01&id=picture_044 http://tongshu.myphotoalbum.com/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album01&id=picture_045
It might be sun damage. Even though they can tolerate some sun, if they aren't used to being in full sunlight it could burn the leaves. Are you moving it from the balcony inside every night? Generally speaking Ficus does not like to be moved around a lot. They begin dropping leaves as a sign of stress. I moved mine recently and count myself lucky that it seems to like it's new home, it hasn't dropped a single leaf! Another thing to consider is watering, twice a day is probably too much, once a day is even pushing it but since you have it outside it might need that. Only water when the top half of the potting mixture is dry.
I agree, watering your ficus twice a day is way too much. Mine get watered once a week, sometimes once every two weeks and still keep the soil on the moist side. Wet soil will eventually lead to root rot.