Hi. I'm new to the forum. I live in Rhode Island and googled a question about a weeping cypress and your forum appeared. I transplanted a cypress about a month ago and staked it in order to have it be secure - it's about 10 feet tall. Some of the leaves are going brown but others look to be pale green which I take to be new growth, there are also new little buds at the end of some branches. I can't tell if it's dying. I have watered it regularly. Is there anything else I can/should do?Thanks!
Welcome to the forums! The 'new little buds' might be pollen cones. Some close-up photos would help, please ;-)
Thanks for your help. I'm attaching pictures of the new little buds as well as the tree and a close up of the brown, green, and pale green leaves. I'm concerned that the brown means dying and would love to know if the pale green is new or if it's on it's way to brown and therefore dying. Thanks for your help.!
First photo are the seed (female) cones. Last photo are pollen (male) cones. Maybe you could add a photo of the whole tree to get an idea how in general the leaves are doing.
Thanks Wendy! I did include a picture of the whole tree as well as a section with brown, dark green, and light green leaves (although maybe they're not called leaves?) Can you see the four pictures above? I appreciate your help.
Oh, sorry, I thought that was a branch. Now I see. It looks OK to me, don't think a brown bit of leaves here and there is a problem, but Michael or others will have to speak to that.
Nootka Cypress Cupressus nootkatensis (formerly Chamaecyparis nootkatensis). Looks OK to me - they always shed old foliage in short shoots rather than individual leaves (look up 'cladoptosis'). The pollen cones turn brown and drop off soon after shedding their pollen, nothing to worry about there (except maybe a bit of hay fever a couple of months ago!). The seed cones will stay on until summer next year, when they will open to release their seeds, and then drop off.
Thanks, Michael. I'm concerned that there are more brown parts and it seems that what I had thought was light green new growth is now a step towards turning brown. How can I tell if I'm over watering, or if the tree needs more water? It was moved about a month ago and I've been watering steadily in between the rain, so except for the last week it has had pretty steady water. Thanks for your help!