Hi again Here are the pics!! I believe I have the pics attached not really sure with this set up!! Anyhow hope you can make some heads or tails out what you see. Thank you for your help. Noel
Nootka Cypress (Cupressus nootkatensis; not a cedar Cedrus). Certainly doesn't look happy! But I'd say probably not dead, either; the upper part looks best off. Does the street get treated with salt for snow clearance? - that could cause this damage, with salt spray coming off vehicles being concentrated close to the ground. Otherwise, it could just be winter desiccation. Resin
We are actually set back fairly far from road maybe 12 to 15 ft. I don't think we get much salt up there if any at all. Should I be doing any thing special to tree shaking it, feeding it, fertilizing or any such thing to help it? As a matter of fact what is the best care for the tree in this area/climate and such? Thanks
Salt spray off car tyres (and even more, off truck tyres) can easily travel that distance, even on minor roads. On main roads with fast traffic, I've seen salt burn on trees up to 30 metres or more distant from the road. As it is concentrated brine, it is a powerful desiccant, and a very little salt deposit on the foliage can do a lot of damage. Watering would be the best you can do; hose down the foliage as well as watering the roots. The brown foliage is already dead and won't be replaced, but the greener foliage might be alright. The next month or two will tell for sure. On a more general cultural point, I'd give it a larger mulched, grass-free circle, maybe 1.5 to 2 times the current diameter.
Ok I will do all you say plus next fall I guess maybe wrapping it with hesian would be a good idea or is that bad for the tree some other way? Thank you so much. All we can offer in thanks is our thanks but know we very much appreciate your help it is very good of you to share your knowledge.
A complete wrapping shouldn't be necessary, just a screen between it and the street (make it decorative too, some sort of ornamental fence would look a lot nicer!). Hope it survives!