I am reworking the backyard garden at my new house, and have found a fern-ish looking invasive weed. I have tried pulling them, cutting them back, and burying them ... but it isn't working. It continues to spread into the new lawn I have just seeded. I am hoping someone might be able to shed some light onto what this thing is, and perhaps have some non-toxic hints on how to get rid of it :)
Looks like yarrow, a turf alternative. They say.. That you should mow when it starts to bloom... Personally, I'd wait till the blooms had peaked before mowing. Much nicer than turf....
Yes it is Yarrow. Get rid of it as soon as you can, if you can. Don't let it spread. It spreads by the underground rhizomatous roots and in our climate (I have climate similar to yours, hot and dry and sandy soil) it has strong potential to take over completely, killing everything else whatever would like to grow there otherwise. May be it has it's short time of glory when it looks acceptable, but when it grows all by itself after killing everything else it looks very ugly most of the time.