Hi all, I am having some real trouble with these two weeds in particular. I cannot seem to get rid of them. It would help if I knew what they were. I am afraid the second one might be Kudzu. I hope I'm wrong. They are a little wilted from being in my hot car for the ride home to take the pictures. Sorry. Weed #1 A tall stalk. It is very strong. I cannot seem to get the root. It goes very deep. I have been clipping it down and shaving the leaves which, out of the section where the leaf meets the stalk, grows new branches. The head of each branch is a cluster of seeds.
Weed #2 This is strangling some of our other shrubs. I am trying to keep up with it and it is not overwelming us yet, but I do have to constantly pull it out. It feels pretty strong. The vines are green and speckled with lighter green or whitish spots. Where the leaves are, the buds are so hard and sharp it is almost like touching thorns. It wraps around itself quite viciously in other parts of the property where there is much more of it. I am not sure that these small green berry-like seeds are part of the same vine or not. They looked like they might be, but I am not sure. Thank you in advance for your help.
Thank you. I am happy to know it is not kudzu. I googled pics of kudzu and it looks similar to poison ivy. Interesting? How do I get rid of these weeds I have?
Looks more like a Pole Bean if you are curious about it's botanical relationship. I dig Pokeweed when young enough though you'll probably have to resort to Triclopyr on freshly cut stumps.
Yes, the seed pods definitely do make it look more like pole bean. Thank you for the info on how to get rid of it. I am having a lot of trouble with it. I try to dig out the root, but it keeps coming back anyway. I'll try that Triclopyr stuff.