I have a small compact blueberry garden about 9 feet by 18 feet and find that keeping the weeds down is a hassle. There are nine plants in place, and as I weed the plants do suffer some damage as they are spaced closer together than suggested in articles that I have read. I am considering placing layers of newspapers down and placing a compost/peatmoss mix down in an effort to control the weeds. Is this a reasonable solution for weed control? Thanks. Dave
Yes it would work for a time but newspaper rots too and maybe your weeds are coming from the compost. How about some mulch the sort that would help your soil stay acidic. Liz
Thanks Liz, I have added mulch in the past and that does help. The compost I will be adding will be from our communities recycling site in Delta, BC; that product is pretty well weed free unlike my home produced compost.
I have a similar blueberry bed and pine straw works well for me-- I keep it 3-6 inches deep and it keeps most of the weeds out-- I do pull a few though. Skeet
I agree that this may be a good solution to the proble. Another way is that you can just mmanually remove weeds.