I'm trying to revamp the herb garden at the Strathcona Community Garden and am attempting to identify all plants. Some are particularly invasive, like this one. If I could occasionally submit some more pictures of things that have me stumped, that would be great. Thanks, m.
it looks like a filipendula species? this site is in UK: http://www.plant-identification.co.uk/skye/rosaceae/filipendula-ulmaria.htm http://www.google.com/search?source...e+|+invasive+|+naturalized+"british+columbia+ isn't giving me much http://images.google.com/images?q="Filipendula vulgaris"&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&q="Filipendula+ulmaria"
It seems to me that there are possibly two different plants here, but I could be mistaken... The second photograph of the white flowers appears to me like Achillea millefolium (or yarrow), which is a plant I'd expect to see in an herb garden. However, the leaves in the other photo are certainly not Achillea. If they are two different plants, I'd need a photo of the flowers accompanying the leaves of the first.
Aegopodium This is growing in my yard as well. It is very invasive. I see it all over my neighborhood in fact. I think it is some type of Aegopodium. Compare to these http://images.google.ca/images?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=aegopodium,+&spell=1
I must graciously disagree...and put in my two cents. I would have made this suggestion for the top photo sooner, but I was under the impression that the pictures were the leaves and flower of the same plant, and if this is the case ignore these suggestions... The top photo looks like Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba minor) which is a wonderful herb, in both the sense of being good in the kitchen and being invasive as all get out. The flowers do not look like Achillia millifolium to me...too delicate and spread out, also I do not see any of the distinctive yarrow folage in the background. Check out http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/summer2000/26july2000/26jul018.jpg for a good close up of Achillia millifolium. In regards to the top photo, I do not think that it is Aegopodium podagraria, Bishop's Weed, because of the glossiness of the leaves of this species, see photo at: http://tncweeds.ucdavis.edu/photos/aegpo01.jpg. All Bishop's Weed that I have seen has at least smooth leaves, your photo shows a fuzziness to the leaves therefore I think they are different plants. The link at the bottom of this paragraph has absolutely great close ups of the flowers and leaves of Aegopodium podagraria and you will see why I think that the bottom photo is certainly Bishop's Weed (aka Goatweed or Ground Elder) but the leaves in the top are not Aegopodium podagraria. They are much to regularly pinnate and A. podagraria has a certain amount of palmateness to it's compound structure. http://www.kulak.ac.be/facult/wet/b...gopodium podagraria - Zevenblad/zevenblad.htm