This lovely big weed has appeared in my garden and I have been unable to ID it. It has grown over 2 feet in 2 months and has rhubarb sized leaves that are soft and furry like velour.
Thats what I thought at first but the baby paulownia aren't that light green. The stock is kind of purple on the new leaves and is a little woody even on young trees. This is furry all over.
I have just compared the leaves of both the Paulownia and this new plant and unless there are more kinds of the paulownia than I'm aware of this isn't one. The unidentified plant has notched leaves and the Paulownia doesn't.
Leaves can vary...
Here are some photos of what are for sure Paulownia: 1st: very fuzzy everywhere 2nd: light green leaves 3rd: serrated edged leaves It is weedy and can be invasive in places.
Thank you for your reply, I have 2 Paulownia trees in my yard and while they do look similar this new tree has leave that are very notched . I compared the two and they are very different. However I just read a post from Silver Surfer and it would appear .....its a Paulownia Wonder why it would be different than the parent plant
The why is a good question -- what is the advantage of being toothed like that when young? From the factsheet on Paulownia tomentosa through VirginiaTech:
This is only circumstantial evidence, but today I noticed growing around 1M away from the first Paulownia a young tree with leaves like the one Bvandyck posted. The growing habit and leaf arrangement, shape and veining are entirely like the adult tree which is cut back every year, but the young leaf feels hairless top and bottom, though the main veins seem to have some hairs. The stems look fuzzy. Second photo shows leaves from the two trees. This one has also been cut back one time.