I have a 7' Weaping Cherry that was planted in May '05. It is loosing a lot of sap about 6 inches above groupd level, forming a large "melted candle wax" look from the site to the ground. How to I treat this? I've also had a problem with ants going up the trunk and feeding on the leaves.
You may have a problem known as gummosis, a disease of cherries. have a look here and see if it helps out: http://www.upenn.edu/paflora/plantclinic/gum.htm
It does sound like gummosis which is an amber-colored substance that the tree exudes to try to heal a wound. It is a symptom of cherry tree borer infestation, which is a tough battle. There are several insecticides that will kill borers.
More on cherry gumming. Note that, as stated at previous link, it is not specific to a particular problem. Various causes can result in gumming. http://plant-disease.ippc.orst.edu/disease.cfm?RecordID=281