last year I setup a drip system on timer for my maples. 1 GPH dripper on 1 gallon pots. Watering 15-20 minutes. I did not particularly like the spaghetti like arrangement, (1 tubing per 7 small plants, 7 drippers) but it did the job of keeping the pot moist in the middle of summer. I am thinking of trying something new, maybe get the 1/2" soft tubing (or maybe hard PVC pipe) and poking holes in them, running them along the top of containers. Has anyone tried this?
It might be really hard to control the amounts, and you could also end up with powdery mildew or mold on top, plus mosquito larvae, birds, etc.!
As Rima says, controlling flow evenly along the length of the pipe will be tricky. As the water flows along the pipe, it loses pressure the further it gets from the water source for two reasons - the resistance in the tube is directly proportonate to the length of the tube, and there is an accompanying pressure drop as water drips off the proximal holds. Don't ask me to explain this - I not a hydraulics expert - but an irrigation technician gave me that advice when I asked about the maximum length of garden hose that I can install.
Ok guys you are right, I have valve at the faucet side, however I suppose drippers which are based on very low pressure is still the way to go. I prefer the 1GPH one which is less prone to clogging. I would run them for 20 minutes and run them again in a few hours to ensure good moisture distribution. Just looking for alternatives since my original dripper system got pretty much dissasembled due to work on the house.
Which ever system you decide, you can get a timer at Lowes , for less than $25.00 , that is so simple to set up, even I have done it . I just use it for weekends trips and such. Just a thought.