I have three Arbutus Trees in 30" x 30" containers. They seem stressed. It has been hot here but we are watering them deeply. What are the water requiremnts for this tree in a container? Keep it wet or let it dry a bit?
How long have they been the pot,because any plant in a pot must be root pruned and new potting mix every 2 years, for a healthy specium.
Also if they are outside are the pots themselves cool. You might be cooking roots. Can you put the pots in side a bigger container and mulch the space between and on top. News paper or leaves or similar works and keep that damp as well as the soil. Even droping the pot into the ground will help. Liz
If being kept damp yet root zones are getting hot may be having problems with water molds (Phytophthora etc.). What, specifically does "stressed" consist of in this instance?