Hi, I have a summer cottage in Powell River and there was a grape vine planted there before I bought it. It is about 3 years old and looks great with healthy growth and lots of little grapes. I do not know what kind it is and my concern is how long can it stand hot weater without watering. I watered it last week but will not be able to go up there again for another 2 weeks. Will it survive? And what could I do to make water retention more efficient. Thanks for your help.
Established grape plants are pretty drought resistant. If you water it at all, give it about give it 50 (clay) to 100 (sand) gallons thru a 2gph (clay) to 5gph (sand) dripper every two weeks. if this is a primitive cabin, try to find a clean plastic 45 gallon barrel and punch the dripper straight into the side near the bottom for a gravity drip. Ralph
Dear Ralph, thank you for your response: I am less concerned now I know they tend to be drought resistant. I am not sure what you mean about the sand reference but I can manage to do some kind of drip watering. Thanks again, Jan