Does water have intelligence I have been teaching small children K-5 about plants and gardening. I was doing little experiments with them about how we can effect the plants by the simple act of kindness, or hatred. Lots of teachers have done this with beans probably because they grow so easily. Other people I have heard play music to thier plants, or talk to them. Good results all around. Has anyone out there tried ignoring the plants and doing good things to the water? Dr Masaru Emoto, , has been doing experiments with water crystals and how they to are changed by the very same things as plants. Last school year I tried getting the kids to ignore the plants and instead 'bless' some water, and treat other water with verbal abuse. (they liked that part!) then feed it to the plants. The results that we had were pretty impressive, Similar to the first experiment, but much more dramatic. Most of the blessed water plants grew really fast and full. Flowering far faster than the first experiment. Most of the other beans sadly died or were really sickly. I'm curious has anyone else tried to do it this way or heard about some research on this. I'm going to do it again this school year, (and I am doing it in my garden!). I'd be interested to read more about it. Carol Ja
I mean it is such an interesting observation that UBC Researchers should apply for a grant from one of the Governments to do research on this matter. If memory is correct I think NRC funds this type of research. All the applicant has to do if present a convincing argument before a grant is forthcoming. If the results confirm you observations we might have another Green Revolution in the making with little expenditure. There are many variables to get stastics on. Examples: Is a blessing of the plant by say the Pope better or worse. A Moslem class could also be tested as to efficacy of the method. Mormons and Jehovah Witness's could also contribute. Hindus,Shintos and as a control maybe an Aetheist class could be used. It seems getting to the root of the matter is absolutely essential. Choosing the words of blessing may be important. There are numerous possibilities. Research is required. As to abuse many different words could be used to see the final effect. In fact, other languages's abuse words could be employed. Do adults abusing or blessing have the same effect as children? One could withhold water and see how efficient the blessing is on the final plant growth. One could just bless the water, water and plant, or just plant. Fertilizer may be import and must not be overlooked. A UBC Researcher could employ much equipment and people in investigating this topic. Think of the spin-offs. jobs, trips to conventions to present papers, new lab equipment,etc, etc, etc. Think of the Research Papers that could and should be written. A good researcher could spend his/her lifetime on this subject. Yes, This topic should be researched in great depth as to the efficacy of the method. It is a too interesting subject to ignore. Thank you for bringing it to the attention of this forum. I expect immediate action from UBC Researchers. Durgan.
Well, here's some immediate action then. I'm closing the thread for the following reason: The initial topic of discussion has a thesis which contravenes scientific understanding of a physical substance, water. In and of itself that is not reason enough to close off discussion, as I'd be interested to see evidence-based research that supports the thesis and perhaps shift my thinking (though I have my doubts that any could be supplied). However, the direction of the discussion is now set to degrade into something that isn't productive for the community as a whole. While it may or may not have taken that course, I can't see how further public discussion of the topic is going to grant much of value. You are, of course, both free to continue this discussion via private messaging.