Hi everyone, I bought a rubber tree a couple of weeks ago. I had it repotted from a 10 inch pot to a 12 inch glazed clay pot right in the store. There are stones on the top of the soil. The first (and only) watering I gave it was a couple of weeks ago. I'm not used to such a large pot and it is quite deep, so I had poured almost 2 gallons in the plant before I realized it was comming out of the bottom. The weather has been quite overcast and I imagine humitity has been up. I live in Calgary, and it's very dry here. For this reason I'm still surprized that my moisture probe is reading at about 8.5 to 9.0 out of 10 for wetness around the sides of the pot. Could there be a problem with the repotting job? Or do I just need to be more conservative with the watering the next go around.
When you water is is best to water very well. Water should pour out of the bottom freely and all of the soil should get a good wetting. THEN, don't water until the top couple inches of the soil are dry to the touch. Stick your finger in the soil and feel. I guess that you pushed your probe right to the bottom. The bottom might be moist while the top is very dry. Water well, don't let it sit in water, and test with your finger before watering again. Michael
Thanks for the advice! Just to clarify though, won't I have to worry about root rot with the bottom roots? The probe was pushed very near all the way, but it's still reading at about 8 out of 10. :S
Well it's odd, in some places it's definately moist, while in others it's particularly dry. Perhaps it's something to do with the existing root sytem. Do you think the rocks are holding some of the moisture in? I'm measuring about two inches down, half way between the stem and the edge of the pot.
Some is wet and some is dry because when you watered you didn't water thoroughly. So, some of the soil got we and some of it didn't. That's why some of it is we now while some of it isn't. Makes sence, no? That's why I advise to water very well but less often. And yes, the rocks are holding some of the water in. Thats not bad usually, think of it as mulch. It's called "top dressing".