Hello I am trying to track down cuttings of the variegated monstera deliciosa. The places I have found on the internet are either sold out or don't ship to Canada. Anyone have one? Or know where I can find one? Thank you
In case you're still looking, there are a couple of listings on kijiji: Variegated Monstera | Plants, Fertilizer & Soil | City of Toronto | Kijiji Monstera Variegated | Plants, Fertilizer & Soil | City of Toronto | Kijiji
Hi I saw some in mission at Triple Tree Nurseryland, selling for $89. They had 4 plants to choose from 3 days ago. Thai constellation monstera. I attached pictures I took in store. Or there’s a seller on Craigslist selling them as well I bought one off her for $80. Hope that helps. RARE Monstera Deliciosa Variegata - Thai Constellation