I ran out of my mothers heirloom seeds last year and I would love some more...I live in FL and the fruit all exploded last year or rotted because of all the rain! ( I was late in my planting.) I would like, especially, Amish Paste and Prudens Purple..a nice variety of cherry would be cool too. I'm also looking for any varieties of hot pepper ( I have Cayenne)...especially fish and any other "pretty" pepper plant. And lastly, an odd request perhaps, I would like some fern spores? I read they dint have seeds but do have spores, so if anyone has any please let me know. I am 100 % organinc and I am fairly new at this :) My mother always had a vegetable garden but this is only the second year I'm trying it for myself. I just bought some sea-crop...any opinions on this? I will grow anything you send me and document it on my livejournal account if you would like to follow the progress and setbacks...lol :) http://stifoo.livejournal.com/ Thanks a million! ~Steph~ ~stifoo~