I have an Anthurium in a glass vase which is now 3 years old but has never re bloomed. A friend told me that growers treat the plants so that they will only bloom once. Is that true? It is growing quite beautifully, lots of foliage but no flowers. What should I do, buy a new one and if so what do I have to look for? thank you
Anthuriums are perfectly capable of reblooming in home conditions, though 1) they're still pretty specific home conditions, and 2) they are chemically treated at the growers', so you're probably not going to get as many flowers, or as large, though that partly depends on what variety it is; none of mine ever have as many flowers as they did when I bought them, but some at least rebloom the same size. The main things that I've found that make a difference are light and fertilizer. I try to give them all some direct sun (east exposure). I also use more fertilizer than I would ordinarily give a houseplant. Which I realize is vague, but I don't know how to quantify it. Other things that make a difference are the variety and season. Most of my plants didn't have IDs when I bought them, so the only two I could recommend by name would be 'Gemini' and 'White Gemini,' and of course I can't guarantee you anything. I also see more blooms from late spring to early fall, though I don't think they're strongly seasonal bloomers: I think it's strictly about the quantity of light they get, not the duration. I've bloomed two under artificial light, but that's two out of a couple hundred; I don't know if artificial light would work for most people.