wandering jew problem

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by plant_lover, Apr 21, 2006.

  1. plant_lover

    plant_lover Member

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    silver spring, usa
    I have a purple heart wandering jew that won't flower. How long does it take to flower? It is in the shade.
  2. Newt

    Newt Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Maryland USA zone 7
    Hi Plant Lover,

    I found when I grew purple heart that it never flowered for me as a houseplant. Then I went to South America and it was blooming everywhere outdoors year round. The plant it mostly in part sun. Maybe with more sun and some organic fertilizer it will bloom for you. I don't have my plant anymore, but if I did I would add a tablespoon of milk to my watering can and do that every two weeks for the next couple of months. Yes, milk has all kinds of vitamins and minerals plus calcium. I've been using it to water my houseplants for years now and my blooming houseplants have rewarded me well. You could also use something like fish emulsion or sea kelp/seaweed.

    I'm wondering if the Silver Spring where you live is in Maryland. If so, we're neighbors as I'm in Columbia!

  3. plant_lover

    plant_lover Member

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    silver spring, usa
    Thank you so very much. I will apply your method. We are neighbors; that's pretty cool. I'm in Silver Spring/ White Oak.
  4. Newt

    Newt Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Maryland USA zone 7
    You are so very welcome! I just sat down with a cup of coffee and had finished the milk. I filled the milk container with water and watered some of my plants. I thought of you and wondered if you'd think I was crazy for the suggestion, but I've read about it before and it sure works for me.

    Hope the sun comes out this weekend as I'd love to work in the garden.

    Take care neighbor!
  5. plant_lover

    plant_lover Member

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    silver spring, usa
    I sure do wish I had a garden that I could work on; I live in an apartment.
    The sun did not come out this saturday here but hopefully it did or will for you. Take good care of your plants and garden for me. Have fun and I hope I'll be needing some more of your neat techniques.
    By the way where in South America did you go to? I'm from Brazil.
  6. Newt

    Newt Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Maryland USA zone 7
    That is wonderful that you are from Brazil! I'm sure you saw many plants growing outdoors there that we have to grow as houseplants here. My son used to live in Peru and I stayed with him for 4 months. We traveled all over Peru and Ecuador (he has a good friend living there) and even went to the Amazon Jungle and Galapagos Islands. The Amazon captured my heart and I so much want to return there. I just loved the people there. He's now living in Colombia and I hope to visit with him next year. I want to return to the Amazon Jungle again. I still want to see so much more of South America. My sister in law is a missionary and goes to Brazil quite often. I'm not too friendly with her so I don't know exactly where in Brazil she goes. I would love to see Brazil too! So many wonderful countries in South America and so little money for travel. :(

    I hope you can have a garden someday soon!

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