wandering jew plant

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by vesmer, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. vesmer

    vesmer Member

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    fort mcmurray. canada
    i think i have overwatered my plant. the leaves underneath this massive plant r dead and trapped under the new leaves. how do u remove all the dead leaves without breaking the top growth ? can this plant be set outside in direct sunlight to dry out or does it prefer shade? also should i repot this plant? it was bought from the supermarket and it just seems so big? and in what type of soil?
  2. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    these are one of the easiest plants to deal with ... don worry about the overwatering .. let it dry out .. these plants can handle just about anything you throw at them ..

    i would repot it regualr potting soil is fine.. .. and dont worry about breaking any vines .. just stick them in water and about 3 days you will have roots .. or you can just stick them back in the new pot .. i wouldnt stick it out side in your location... but stick it in a very sunny window .. it will live and dont worry about ,... :)


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