Hello, Got this Vriesea, think its a Joyae, about a week ago. Just wondering about the cause of the leaves curling...too much water or not enough and so on. It was in a really small pot if that has anything to do with it. I've put it into a much larger pot to allow the pups root systems to grow. I've also added some pics of the inflorescence incase anyone has a better idea of what species it is. I got it for the pups as all the blooms were dead so i mostly went off the Bracts (correct term for the redish spikes?) which are fading too.
Do you have it in artificialy heated room like too near a gas heater. Not sure what sort of heating you might use but gas space heaters are not so good for indoor plants might be a reason liz
What kind of bromeliad is it exactly? I'm pretty sure i have the exact same species. Can anyone help me out by telling me some basic care? It's in a really small pot and i worry if that's bad for this plant or not.