Voles (I think) girdling trunks above and below surface

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by fireweed farm, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. fireweed farm

    fireweed farm New Member

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    BC Canada
    I've got a big problem with mouse-like critters killing my fruit trees.
    My orchard of about 50 trees is surrounded by hay fields and cattle pasture, so there is a large number of natural rodents. I spend quite a bit of time weed wacking and mowing the orchard.

    Years ago, after realizing the trunk damage done under the snow line I began wrapping trunks with tinfoil and placing mothballs at the base each fall. This worked for a few years. But last aug/sept I found girdles which hadn't happened in growing season previously.
    This spring I ordered a whole wack of tree tubes from Grimonut.com. I will put them on shortly. These wont stop under soil damage of course.

    But here's something new. Yesterday I noticed several trees that leafed out and flowered had lost their leaves, turns out they were chewed off under ground with the same teeth marks that have been girdling the above soil stems. They're dead, and one was my prize grimes golden!!

    Any ideas?
    It feels like trapping and poison will never get them all when surrounded by acres of farmland, plus the spectacular songbirds and my own chickens dog and cat etc could end up the victim... But I need new ideas for sure.

    Thanks for any help!
    And yes I have a cat and no it isn't helping much!

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