visit to Holland

Discussion in 'Maples' started by emery, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France

    I am making a last minute visit to the Netherlands tomorrow (13/7) to take the kids around Amsterdam. Naturally I will visit the van Gelderens, (and not leave empty handed!), but I wondered if there are some other nurseries and/or arboretums that you can recommend. I will probably not get to Trompenburg this time but intend to stop at Von Gimborne.

    Unfortunately my wife is on a business trip with the digital camera. But this way I can drag the children without boring her! :)

    Thanks in advance for any pointers.

  2. Gomero

    Gomero Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southwest France
  3. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Thanks Gomero,

    As it turned out I didn't see your response until after my return, but it wouldn't have happened anyway; the main road to Boskoop was cut, we spent alot of time on a detour! By the time I had finished at Esveld my kids were in no mood for further plant adventures.

    This was of course the worse time of the year to buy, but the elder van Gelderen very graciously showed me around the nursery, and then of course I spent a long time in the aceretum.

    It was difficult to find exactly what I was looking for, but did manage to get away with:

    A. palmatum 'Peve multicolor'
    A. palmatum 'Asahi zuru'
    A. circinatum 'Sunglow'
    A. truncatum 'Akikaze nishiki'
    A. beurgerianum 'Musashi'
    A. beurgerianum 'Nokoribo'
    A. olivaceum
    A. negundo 'Sensation'

    I am excited about A. olivaceum, hopefully I have a good place to put it in the ground. I passed on A. tutcheri as the plants are under glass and I have what I hope is a more hardy source, not container grown, this fall. Musashi is also a very pretty plant that I was not aware of before.

    Not too bad a day out! :)


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