i was givin a vine that the stems are zigzag and the leaves turn white then red when in the sun can you help me
Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Devil's backbone? http://toptropicals.com/pics/garden/05/24/4150.jpg http://www.lapshin.org/succulent/Kiev2007/Grishko/Pedilanthus-tithymaloides-variegata-rosea.jpg HTH Chris
Maryk, Salt cedar is right. but this plant has an upright growth patern, not a trailing vine. The plant I slipped mine from was about 3 ft tall and 2 ft around, multi stemed, and grew in a large terracotta pot on a hotel patio in Cabo San Lucas. (I did this yrs ago before the Plant Police) This winter mine was placed too close to the plants I mist and developed a whopping crop of mold. I cut out all infected branches and moved it!!! It's doing fine. Needs lots of indirect light to come to full color and light watering. I like it because it is so different. :) barb
thank you but mine is vine going in all directions. it looks like the devil back but if that goes up then that isnt what mine is i am so stumped i have lots of plants but never had one like this . the lady that gave it to me said the green leaves will turn white then red an thqat it doesnt bloom at least hers didnt.
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