Hi! A neighbour of mine has brought me this sick plant to save. I'm pretty sure what is wrong with it. It is still in the pot she bought it in and it has no drainage. There is mildew on the surface of the soil, so there is undoubtedly root rot. I am going to repot it in some new soil, in a different pot with good drainage. But... I would like to know what it is before I start. I am guessing something in the genus Philodendron? Would you please identify it for me? Thank you!
Thank you for your reply. What kind of Epipremnum (Pothos) or Scindapsus are solid green, though? All the ones I've seen are variegated.
definitely an epipremnum. they can lose their variegation when they receive insufficient lighting. mine gets proper lighting and half is variegated and half is not - i tend to have oddballs when it comes to plants and animals though...
As Joclyn said, Pothos are variegated when given proper lighting. If kept in a darker area they will revert to all green.
Thank you for your help everyone! I agree that it is an Epipremnum aureum "Jade". My neighbour says it has always been all green. I thought it kind of looked like my Epipremnum aureum Golden Pothos, but the leaves are much larger, and I didn't know there was a solid green cultivar of Epipremnum. I thought it was maybe a Philodendron because I read this: http://en.allexperts.com/q/House-Plants-721/Philodendron-Pothos.htm