I searched and could not identify this vine. It is growing in Pennsylvainia (not sure if it is native). It's growing up a pole and as you can see laying on the ground. Thank you, Frank
Re: Vine,green leaves only on one side of stalk, long petiole, and elongated arrow sh bindweed, Convolvulus, or false bindweed, Calystegia.
Re: Vine,green leaves only on one side of stalk, long petiole, and elongated arrow sh Looks like Calystegia, possible C.sepium. http://wisplants.uwsp.edu/scripts/detail.asp?SpCode=CALSEP
Re: Vine,green leaves only on one side of stalk, long petiole, and elongated arrow sh Thank you tipularia and Silver surfer!!! Yes, it looks like Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. I believe this mystery has been solved. Thank you both again. Frank