Very Sick Jade

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Junebug62, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. Junebug62

    Junebug62 Member

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    SouthEast USA
    It has been a busy summer and i am afraid i have neglected my large Jade which was outside on my deck. It is not a problem of too much water as we are in a drought situation here in SC upstate area. I also keep it setting close to our sliding glass door a bit under the eve.
    First sign some large trunks just broke off like they were rotted. also leave damage is apparent. i am sure there is a disease or a pest of some sort. i have photos but do not know if i can upload some to see. maybe i will post them with Picasa and put a link here.
    I would appreciate any ideas or help so i don't loose this much loved plant.

  2. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    I'm not sure what exactly is going on with your jade. The first thing you can do is check the plant over "thoroughly" for any sign of bugs on the leaves, and in the soil. Also make sure the pot and soil drain very well.
    If you don't see any pest at all, it could be some kind of virus. I'd cut the whole thing back some, getting rid of "anything" that looks remotely damaged.
    Even with the right care, light and watering, the jade continues to show signs of damage, I might think about getting another one.
    Cuttings from this plant might be an option, but the cuttings could also have the same problems.You'll want to take the most healthiest tip cuttings with firm stems rooting them in new sterilized soil, preferably in a small clay pot.
  3. Junebug62

    Junebug62 Member

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    SouthEast USA
    Hi Bluewing,
    Thanks, boy, i hate to think of loosing this as it is soooo large and i have had it for a long time. when the first big branch dropped off and before it dried up it looked like there were two holes down through the center so i thought it may have been invaded by some pest. i am attempting to upload two photos to show the size of the plant and the one photo that looks like some scaley disease. At first this looked like mold on the leaves but is silver looking like a scab maybe or like scrapes.


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  4. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY

    That is a nice jade and a nice size! I can see why you would hesitate to get rid of it, I would too!

    Someone else might have a different answer, but it does look like some form of a fungus/virus/bacterial problem. See if can't save most of it, but I still might take a cutting just in case it gets worse. Hopefully, a healthier looking cutting will be ok.

    You'll want to cut off the damaged leaves back to just above healthy leaves, maybe halfway back on the plant to help stop the spread to other parts of the plant. It will be a smaller jade, but it might be healthier and can grow back to it's former self. New leaves will grow around where the cuts were made.

    Give it plenty of sun and only water it like once every 3 weeks or so if the soil is dry. Give the roots only about an inch of room in a pot so it's not rotting in excess wet soil. The soil needs to be just around the roots and drain well. You don't want to wet the leaves at all, that can cause the spread of the whatever the problem may be. Then wait and see how things go from there.

    At least you'll have a "possible" chance with some small healthy cuttings if the mother plant gets any worse.
    I'd also keep it away from other plants, washing your hands after touching the jade before touching another plant if you have any, and sterilizing before and after any cutting tool you used.
  5. Junebug62

    Junebug62 Member

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    SouthEast USA
    Thanks, i will take some acohol as some people suggested and wipe the leaves. So many leaves look quite healthy and have the red edge to them which I have always attributed to a happy jade but then there are little areas where many leaves have dried up. But i maybe let those get too dry. i will certain trim some and watch what happens. Thanks for the advice. I would really hate to loose it.

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