Identification: Very pretty. ID and diagnosis! Overwater?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by goliath07, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. goliath07

    goliath07 Member

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    Seattle, Wa
    One of these plants is a pink Hypoestes phyllostachya. The other is a money tree. The soil is always moist it never dries so after two weeks I can't help but want to water it and I think it's suffering from overwatering The pink plant is wilted, poor color, and leaves are falling off. I need an ID on the green leaf plant with white veins. It's leaves have become very crisp and theyre wrinkling up on the sides. Like they were put in the microwave. Any ideas?

    P.S. I potted this myself with two scoops of soil, one scoop of peat moss, and one scoop of perlite. Like I said that plants soil just never dries up. I live in Seattle so it probably just doesn't need alot of water and I've overwatered, but the two plants have reacted differently. The money tree however looks awesome and is quite happy.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2009
  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    yes, the money plant looks happy so continue with whatever you're doing for that one.

    the other one does need consistantly moist soil, so frequent watering is needed. your soil mix sounds okay, too. i'm wondering if you've been draining off the excess water after the soil has soaked up all it needs?

    i see you've got it in a plastic container (that i assume has drainage holes in it) and you've got it inside a nice decorative planter. you may have an excess amount of water sitting inside. i'd drain off any and allow the soil to dry out pretty well. then, when the soil is still moist an inch down, water again. make sure to pour off any excess that collects in the planter.

    also, what lighting do you have it in?? it does best in indirect light.
  3. goliath07

    goliath07 Member

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    Seattle, Wa
    There is no plastic pot its just in the decorative planter all together. It's in my window with a fair amount of light. I've had it potted for almost 2 months and I have probably only watered it 3 or 4 times. It's just never "dry". It seems it gets worse with each watering. The soil is really loose too, not compact, my finger slips easily into the top and middle. It drains into a pan built into the pot. When I do water I fill till I see a little water come out the bottom then I dump off the excess.
  4. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    hmm, i didn't click on the one pic for a larger's just a reflection. sorry!

    if the dish is connected to the pot, then you may not have enough drainage happening. i've not had good luck with the planters with the dish attached - i still use them, just put a plastic pot with a lot of drain holes inside of them.

    also, you've got the pink polka dot and a fittonia there. both have about the same needs for water and light, so that's okay.

    you may want to repot into something with better drainage - they like moist soil, not soggy. if you leave it in that, water less frequently.

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