Hello Some more exotic plants from the Venezuelan cloud forest, if someone can think of a genus or family? No. 2789 produces these characteristic shiny berries which open up into a star as they mature and fall - a Ficus perhaps? Togata57 many thanks for the orchid id! Thanks! Dion
#5 looks like a crassula, reminds me of some like 'buddha's temple' because of the closely stacked leaves. That's just a guess. What a stunner! Thanks for sharing!
2789 is a Duco Macho, if I recall correctly, that's Clusia spp. Which one, I really couldn't tell you; there are hundreds down here. 0067 looks very familiar, and I can tell you by looking at it that it's pollinated by bats. In Ecuador, we have purple ones. It's a vine, no? #4 is commonly called Lengua de Vaca; I think something in Centropogon or Siphocampylus perhaps? Do you have any more detail on 0050? It's familiar but a lot of cloud forest plants produce that type of flower.
Thank you Lorax The two photos were taken by a friend following behind in the trek, I will ask and come back
Lorax, there is something in the arrangements of the leaves on the stems which is different I think between the specimen in my photo and the genus you mention,- I saw some photos- Unfortunately there is no inflorescense to make a better comparison. But we may be close!
The other one that struck me as similar was Lasiocephalus but the leaves there don't seem quite right either.... Or perhaps Loricaria?