Hello These photos are from the Venezuelan paramo or a little lower down in the cloud forest. Any help with the genus would be appreciated Many thanks, Dion
1. Looks like a Fuchsia. Quote from Google...." Over three-quarters of the species of Fuchsia occur in South America"
#1 Fuchsia sp. #2 Epicia sp. #4 Bryophyllum pinnatum - weed, not native #5 Maybe Philodendron sp. or Gunnera sp.? #6 maybe something Ericaceous?
5 is a Gunneria, not an aroid at all. Nice example of how big they get! Otherwise, agree with everybody else´s IDs. 3 could also be a Tibouchina, but I´d want to see a closeup.
Many thanks for your id's! Yes, under the Gunneras it is indeed H.sapiens, left female right male of the species.. dion