Vegetables...when to start seeds indoors???

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by bullseye, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. bullseye

    bullseye Active Member

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    I have read about other people starting tomatoes in January, but most sites say to start them later around March. Now that we’ve got tomato out of the way, can any of you please give the Month to Start the following INDOORS in Zone 5b:

    1. Cucumber
    2. Zucchini
    3. Eggplant
    4. Radish
    5. Scarlet runner beans
    6. Baby pak choi
    7. Carrots
    8. Lettuce
    9. Onions ( norstar and red onions )
    10. Bell red peppers
    11. Brussel sprouts
    12. Parsley
    13. Thyme
    14. Rosemary
    15. Basil

    Last frost date here is May 24
  2. skeeterbug

    skeeterbug Active Member

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    Pensacola, USA
    Cucumber and Zucchini can be started in containers 2 to 3 weeks before you plan to set them out, but much more than that would not be good for them. Lettuce can be started indoors probably now, I grow mine outdoors in winter (zone 8b) with no protection. Eggplant and tomato-- about 6-8 weeks before setting out. Onion and brussel sprouts are a cold weather plants and could start now. Parsley and thyme are cold weather herbs and could start now-- I'm not familiar enough with rosemary to know, but I believe it grows outdoors as a perennial here.

    Radish, beans and carrots are probably best planted directly in the ground, beans after all danger of frost, radish and carrots when the ground can be worked.

    Good Luck-- Skeet
  3. Ottawa-Zone5

    Ottawa-Zone5 Active Member

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    Ottawa, Canada
    If you are using seeds from a commercial source, it is best to follow the instructions on the package by correlating it to your frost free date.
    However, if you miss planting seeds on time for veges with seeds size such as cucumbers and Zuchinis and you are close to planting time, the best approach is to germinate the seeds inside until head appearance from the soil and transfer it to the field before it sprouts completely. Transfer in late afternoon. This way the germinating seed avoids environmental change shock by completing its sprouting process outside. It has worked for me for cucumbers, zucchini, mellons, bitter mellons etc.
  4. AlexH

    AlexH Active Member

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    Port Moody, BC, Canada
    There are two really good books that I use for estimating planting dates (in the ground, or transplants): Four Season Harvest by Coleman, and Square Foot Gardening. Your local library might have them. They both work backwards or forwards from your frost dates.

    PS. Maybe you could try winter sowing:

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