Whilst visting a village near Kinshasa in the DRC in Januaty 2014 I noticed, amongst the normal cassava and aubergine two unusual (unusual to me anyway) vegetables grown in a 'kitchen garden' plot. The plant with the broadly circular leaves was locally called 'Donga-Donga' whilst the other plant had no name that anyone could quote to me. Nor could I ascertain which part of either plant was eaten? - although the Donga-Donga leaves were not appertising as underside was many aphids. The soil was good and sandy and fertile. Any idea of the correct plant names?
The first one might be an Alocasia. They told us in Hawaii that Taro (Colocasia) have peltate leaves (with the stem attachment to the leaf not at the leaf margin).
That's why I said 'Taro' which covers both genera with edible species. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alocasia_macrorrhizos Xanthosoma sagittifolium is probably more like the above plant. http://www.amopa-tahiti.net/photosf.../slides/Tarua (Xanthosoma sagittifolium).html