Habitat:Wood - Found in deciduous woods, growing on sides of a living tree, except for the last brown one (7). General location: Pacific Northwest Not much information, just pictures of fungi found while looking for the elusive morel. I hope to see one in it's natural environment one day. #4 looks like Money's mushrooms. #6 looks to be tiny chicken of the woods? Not sure, it's so small. If you now what any of these are, great.
Hi 4ager - as mentioned, in most cases more information needed, esp under side of caps. The 4th photo looks to be of a Polyporus, eg. Polyporus badius the black-leg polypore, based on overall "look" and what I can see/surmise from the slight upturned cap edge. If you have access to this one, look to see if it has a poroid underside. You may need a handlens/magnifying glass to see the pores.
Thank Frog. I was not able to find the Polyporous badius again in the large forest. I recall there was only one so I did not take it.
I too avoid picking things when they are solo or few, or if I don't need to pick them. ... Fungi produce mushrooms for a purpose, and I try to be respectful of that.