Loved this cluster my friend is holding, and no, he is not a tiny guy, contrived to make the mushrooms look bigger. I found some in a beaver pond where the beavers had cut through three and four foot thick Douglas Firs. Second photo, a delicious cluster of my favourite, the delicious Chlorophyllum rhacodes the Shaggy parasol. I know there is a more recent contender for a new latin name, but I'm sticking with this one.
looking great! they sure are tasty. i always remember the shaggy manes growing through the edges of roads there, really cool. have a great dinner :)
fish dr: thanks for the information. I assume that the Shaggy Parasol photo is recent, and not from last year. I used to gather them only in the Fall but learned last year that they can also be found in late Spring. I was planning to look for them in June, but it's good to know that they may be up already. Kada: the Shaggy Parasol is unrelated to the Shaggy Mane, although there are some superficial similarities.
Shaggy manes are one of the finest mushrooms, "That's Fo Sure", Not familiar with the parasols but have childhood memories from north-central Ontario leading to Vancouver Island of eating delicious shaggy manes. My Dad and I talked about them last week. AND Giant Puffballs. Far more flavourful then any cultivated grocery store mushroom.... mmmmnn where's my butter, garlic, and STEAK:) My favourite mushroom I have tried so far is the "King" oyster mushroom incredible texture(like abalone), taste(like a REAL mushroom), and shelf-life(not frail, like an OLD woman). I have yet to try a truffle or a pine/matsutake mushroom yet an they thrive here. :(
This has been one of the best Oyster years I can remember which is surprising considering the lack of rain here on the island.
I have an area ouside Algonquin Park where the dead populars are literally covered with oysters. These appear in early June, aand I have or could have collected 150 pounds of pristine oyster mushroom if there at the right time. I was up there aa few weeks ago and collected a few pounds. Often I find a batch all through the summer, but June is the best time. Mine are usually pristine white. Here is the recent collection, which I ate while camping. Some of the highlights of a five day camping trip near Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. The round trip was 1200 km. Left on 10 June and returned on 14. The center of action was Bancroft, ON. Neena and I walked probably 50 to 75 km along various trails, and slept in the Van at night. The mosquitoes were out in full force, and protection was some spray and a body net covering the head, and upper body for sleeping. Camping was along various old logging roads. I never met anybody along the walking trails. Weather was generally sunny and about 20 degrees C.
The next time you get near that 150 pounds of Oysters how about drying them and shipping them west. I have a super secret method of disposing of them. .... a little butter, some onions ....... .
Haha Kuhn, That is definitely an excellent and agreed upon post, mnnn butter and some onions! The shrooms in your pic appear to be a different species of oyster have only tried the farmed one's from the grocery store, although the king oyster's have always been great. Mushrooms add great flavour to virtually anything:)
I see that you are in the Qualicum area Will. You shouldn't have any trouble finding Oysters around there. Look for some "downed" Alders in a moist/creek/river area ..... Voila......