Our club, The Vancouver Desert Plant Society, has a few advance tickets to the Van Dusen Garden Show. We are selling the tickets at $13. Buy from us and save. Tickets at the door will cost you $15 plus taxes. This year the show includes: Stunning display gardens Urban deck showcase / ideas for decks and patios Expert advice Great deals on garden products Contests The show takes place June 7 to 10th 10 am to 6 pm Tickets through our club can be obtained by contacting dhimscho@shaw.ca general info can be obtained by calling Van Dusen at 604-687-4780
one post in the announcements section is likely enough... the rest are whats called spamming. :( I will be at the show myself, with the folks at the Silky saws booth, probably saturday or sunday, not sure yet.
I am sorry if my multiple posts are seen as spamming. Being a nusance was not my intent. I did not want to over do it with the posts, I wanted to put up as few as possible while reaching the forums that probably apealed to those who might actually want to go to the event. When I log in here, I usually only look at the cactus and succulent forum. Sometimes I look at the plant ID section. I did not post in either of these forums. Forgive my over-enthusiasm Wazungy
Removed other threads, moved this one to the Regional discussion forum, added an announcement in all forums pointing to this thread that will remain until June 9.
Well now it found me with that strategy. I thought I read in the Sun that all garden centres are selling them for $13 - not to steal your thunder, but to extend the benefit.