Using Sand as a Substrate for a Cacti / Succulent Terrarium?

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by jeffnyc, May 21, 2009.

  1. jeffnyc

    jeffnyc Member

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    New York, NY

    Although I have never read anything about creating a Cacti and Succulent terrarium using sand as a substrate as Catci/Succulent potting mixes, etc and other mixtures are recommended...

    I was wondering if anyone has planted such a terrarium using sand or sand mixed with other materials so that the substrate looks just like sand?

    I really like the look of sand and the contrast it provides against the plants.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    p.s. The terrarium has a large opening for air circulation.
  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    sand actually holds moisture very, very well and that's not a positive feature with most cacti - especially cacti in a captive/contained area that basically doesn't have any outlet for excess moisture.

    what species do you want to put in the terrarium?? if jungle types, then the sand may not be so bad.

    you could use better draining medium below and just top-dress with sand of very, very small pebbles and achieve the look that you want and still provide the proper drainage (to a point in such a contained area) for the plants.

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