I have noticed quite a few near identical questions being posted in the past few weeks when the answer has been thoroughly covered already on this board. That is not intended to stop people from asking questions! It is only to remind folks the UBC board has a great search engine located at the top of each and every page! If, after you do a search using as few key words as possible, you don't find the answer you need, then ask! I know for certain there are very knowledgeable folks reading these posts every day! The guys who moderate are also on top of this board! Unlike some of the other plant boards, these guys know their stuff. Many people who answer questions regularly often amaze me at the versatility of their plant knowledge! If not botanists, there are quite a few "pseudo-botanists" who use this site daily! So feel free to ask. But don't forget to take advantage of the search engine! It is there for a very good reason. The chances are high you'll find your answer has already been posted!