I received a flat of plants free and I do not know what the one is. The plant is unfamiliar (anyway at this stage). The tag has a handwritten name that is smudged. Bru_ nauria Dr. Seuss. Any information about what it is and how it should be planted would be appreciated. It is currently about 6 inches tall . It is a sigle stem that is rather hard and about 1/2 inch in diameter. It is very root bound, being in a 2 inch seedling pot.
A quick search turned up Brugmansia 'Dr. Seuss,' which, based on spelling and description (woody stem), seems possible. This UBC Forums thread from a year ago details the name as applied to Acer palmatum, but judging by your other post, you appear to be familiar with that species.
Check it out at the following web site. I have a plant real close to this, worth growing! http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/2903/index.html
Thanks, it looks like maybe it will just be an annual here in Iowa. I wonder if I will see anything this summer, or if I got it too late. It's only about 18 inches now. Maybe I can bring int in to overwinter.