Hello All- BoY am I glad I found you!! Last year when my grandfather passed away, I took all the plants from his house. Among them are what we have been referring to as "the Papa plant." I have searched the web trying to identify it, but to no avail. Curently, it is potted, about 3.5 feet tall and loving the sunny atmosphere of or studio. It has large ovate leaves (the largest is about 10 inches long) that are dark green and variegated in cream. May be three weeks ago two out of the three branches bloomed with these unbelievable yellow cube-ish flowers. The trunk is no more than 2 inches in diameter. I have included two pictures because I know that my description is not sufficient for someone who knows what they are talking about. If someone could give me at least a direction to look in as far as identifying this plant, I would greatly appreciate it!!!
hello Alberts06 try this aphelandra squarrosa http://images.google.ca/images?svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&q=aphelandra+squarrosa