Hi all, I just recently bought a digital camera and have become interested in wildflowers. Although i have several reference books, i often find myself at a loss to determine what i have found. Any help offered will be appreciated. Lee
The websites following the names are pictures to compare with. DSCN0468 Solanum carolinense, Horsenettle http://www.cofc.edu/~everettj/Images,%20Field%20Botany/26%20May%202005/Solanaceae,%20Solanum%20carolinense%20flowers,%20May%2005.jpg DSCN0476 Helenium amarum, Bitterweed - Yellowdicks http://fp.bio.utk.edu/botany/Botany_courses/botany330/plantlist.fa99/helenium_amarum.htm DSCN1254 Salvia farinacea, Mealy sage - Mealycup sage http://www.sbs.utexas.edu/mbierner/bio406d/images/pics/lam/salvia_farinacea.htm In DSCN1129 the Fabaceae (Legume-pea family) are difficult at best and would need to see the leaf to even make an educated guess. Again with DSCN0761 lots of choices with Asteraceae (Compositae) but will look more for it later if noone comes up with a name before then. Didn't realize the scale (thumb vignette) until after I did the search. Great pics. Harry
Wow am i impressed. Such a fast and through response. Unfortunately i don't seem to have a picture of the "Fabaceae" with leaves. In fact i can only find one other pic of it at all. I will post that one with the next group of unidentified wildflowers. Thanks Harry "wrygrass", I really appreciate the help. Lee