Greetins from the UK - fantastic forum and here is my first post.... ....picture is of an unknown houseplant I have - I believe it may be a Euphorbia of some description ( I recall it has white sap and was sold to me as such but it was only 3" high and a long time ago now) but have been unable to confirm. It grows a good 8" a year, with the leaves turning red in Autumn/Winter and some shedding - it is now about 5ft high and I love it! An ID and any care tips would be good and recieved with many thanks.
yup, it's a Euphorbia trigona (African Milk Tree). If it grows leaves all the time then you don't need any care tips. Lots of light, little food and let the soil dry out between waterings. Cuttings are very easy to do with this plant if you want to share it. Just search this forum or Google on "succulent cuttings". Nice work, Michael
Yes it does lok like Euphorbia Trigona I have agreen and red varietys.If I may add do not get the sap on your hands it is a very strong poison and it is very hard to wash off.I got some on my hands and washed several times.Then the next morning I put my contacts in and my eyes started burning very bad.It went on for 8 hrs . I also read somewhere that it is a cardiac poison.
Cheers guys! I've checked out some other pics on the web and they seem to agree with you; and lucky me, it appears that it is the rubra variety as the leaves and stem are much redder, although that's not so obvious from my posted pic.