Bring me a shrubbery (but maybe not this one...) NI! Is this a Rosa spp? Or some mutant Poncirus trifoliata relative? Or something completely different? Please help. I've never seen anything with intermediate petioles that are almost the same size as its leaves, and wicked hooked thorns to boot. EDIT: I'm abandoning any thought that it's Poncirus; I found one with flowers and berries (!) on it. Perhaps this will help the i.d. - the flowers and fruits are on bare wood, totally independent of any leaves, and right next to the thorns. Very strange. Plants are averaging between 3 and 6 feet tall; the tallest is 8 feet and the shortest only 2. Leaves, by contrast, are tiny (the whole stem is maybe 6" long)
Looks like it; I think the discrepancies between the pix I can find for X. Fagara and my own plants has to do with them being a bit sickly. They were severely water-deprived when I got here... Lime pricklyash it is!